Mr.Steam 103805

Timer, Blowdown, MIL 72


The Mr.Steam Mechanical MIL 72 Pin-Type Analog Blowdown Timer is one of the timer options for blowdown operation on CU Commercial Steam Shower Generators that utilize the automatic blowdown maintenance system accessory.

NOTE: To preserve the originality, operation and safety of replacement parts, this product is not returnable.

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The Mr.Steam Mechanical MIL 72 Pin-Type Blowdown Timer initiates and terminates the blowdown valve and allows the operator the ability to set the blowdown time, in 2-hour intervals. This timer also allows the operator to set the generator start-up time and power off time.

One (1) Mechanical MIL 72 Pin-Type Blowdown Timer is required per system.

NOTE: To preserve the originality, operation and safety of replacement parts, this product is not returnable.