Steam Generator Installs
Locating a proper installation for a steam generator is something many people struggle with. There are many considerations: distance to shower, access, and noise. Steam generators can be installed just about anywhere such as an above-shower, vanity, or even an empty space under a tub. As long as there is plenty of access per requirement of the manufacturer, anywhere can be an acceptable location.
Ideal installations are done with copper or brass pipe and copper or brass unions. Unions make a system easy to remove for service or future replacement.
Sometimes a steam shower size requires the use of two steam generators to work as one. For example, the steam shower may need 17kw so a 10kw and 7kw is used. This is called "tandemed" generators. The main generator uses the steam control and is called Primary or Master and the generator tandemed to it is called a Secondary or Slave. Two of everything is needed for the install. Two electrical circuits, water supply, steam lines, drain lines and PRV’s.