Steam Generator Service
Lime/Calcium buildup on steam generator components is the nature of steam. As the water boils to produce steam, it leaves the impurities behind. These impurities then attach to the internal components and can cause equipment failure. Add a water purification system to your installation and follow the manufacturers routine maintenance instructions.
Take care not to use harsh cleaning products on steam room controls as this can deteriorate or corrode the finish. After showering, always wipe down controls with a soft cloth to keep them looking like new.
If you are planning on installing a steam generator in your bathroom or upcoming remodel, plan to discuss steam generator placement with your contractor. Some generators are installed "stealthily" in the wall of a closet. If your contractor chooses this configuration, please suggest the installation of an access panel that will allow the entire generator to be removed for service in the future. An attic installation or crawl space may sound appealing instead. Please keep in mind that while it may be an out of sight, out of mind system, it could require servicing one day. And when that happens, someone's going to have to fix it and it won't be easy. Chances are the technician would have to stand on a ladder with 240 volts and water in the near vicinity, hoping to fix your steam generator without falling down 15 feet.