Welcome to the SteamSaunaBath Steam Shower and Sauna Room Service Center
Over 50 years of installing, servicing and repairing steam shower and sauna room products has made our Service Center a "One-Stop Source" for Health Facilities, Contractors and Homeowners in search of reliable information when installing steam shower and sauna bath equipment.
We share our knowledge daily with architects, wellness facility managers, product installers and fellow steam bathers on ways to improve the installation, operation and performance of their steam and sauna bathing environments.
SteamSaunaBath has hands-on experience with every steam bath generator and sauna heater manufactured. Rely on our experience and knowledge to help you design, size and select the products that will shape your bathing sanctuary.
In-Home Repair- Service Request Form
SteamSaunaBath has an established Nationwide Installation and Service Affiliate Network of skilled technicians for in-home factory authorized service and repair on most steam shower and sauna bath products. These firms are pre-qualified by our technical service team and must strictly conform to standard and specific criteria prior to becoming an approved SteamSaunaBath service and repair affiliate.
To request in-home repair service, go to our Service Request Form and fill in your information - a qualified SteamSaunaBath Service Affiliate will contact you within 48 hours to assist you. You may also contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com. To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your equipment and installation. Information including model number, serial number, manufacturer, description of control and nature of problem are extremely beneficial for us to guide you quickly and provide the most appropriate answers.
Service Technicians...If you are comfortable working on steam shower or sauna bath products and desire to join our team of nationwide steam shower/sauna room fanatics servicing the finest of bathing products available, please give us a call at 800-707-2862 or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com to receive our requirements for approval and how to get started.
In-Shop Repair
SteamSaunaBath offers equipment service and repair at our facility by our highly trained technical staff. These Industry gurus have had hands on experience with most every steam bath and sauna product ever manufactured and will gladly assist you in achieving the most economical and effective repair for your equipment.
For details on in-shop repairs, you may contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your equipment and installation. Information including model number, serial number, manufacturer and nature of problem are extremely beneficial for us to guide you quickly and provide the most appropriate answers.
Service Technicians....If you are comfortable working on steam or sauna bath products and desire to join our team of nationwide steam/sauna bath fanatics servicing the finest of bathing products available, please give us a call at 800-707-2862 or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com to receive our requirements for approval and how to get started.
Note: SteamSaunaBath has an established nationwide network of skilled technicians for in-home factory authorized service and repair on most steam and sauna bath products. Please refer to in-home equipment repair for further information.
Warranty Service
If you need warranty service, whether you purchased your steam or sauna bath equipment from our company or someplace else, we will help you! Over the past 50 years, we have created relationships with most every steam and sauna product manufacturer and will utilize our vast resources in attempting to resolve your concern.
For details on warranty service, you may contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your equipment and installation. Information including model number, serial number, manufacturer and nature of problem are extremely beneficial for us to guide you quickly and provide the most appropriate answers. For faster service, have your bill of sale available to confirm actual model numbers of the equipment in question.
Steam and sauna equipment warranties differ by product. Most manufacturers offer varying guarantees including in-home labor, parts and in-factory warranties. The products represented by SteamSaunaBath carry the finest warranties in our industry and are backed by our own Limited Lifetime Labor Warranty which we offer free of charge when granted the opportunity to serve your bathing needs. When considering a purchase, we always recommend you read the fine print details behind the manufacturer's marketing slogan before you buy.
Service Technicians...If you are comfortable working on steam or sauna bath products and desire to join our team of nationwide steam/sauna bath fanatics servicing the finest bathing products available, please give us a call at 800-707-2862 or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com to receive our requirements for approval and how to get started.
Preventative Maintenance
SteamSaunaBath has been involved in the servicing of steam and sauna equipment for over 50 years. Depending on usage and the specific equipment serving your environment, preventative maintenance may be required.
Often warranty service is confused with problems arising from neglect or the absence of a preventative maintenance program. SteamSaunaBath always recommends that you look to the manufacturer's equipment warranty and operation manual for details on preventative maintenance and the corresponding consequences.
For details on Preventative maintenance, you may contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your equipment and installation. Information including model number, manufacturer, frequency of use, and equipment age are extremely beneficial for us to guide you quickly on the most appropriate preventative maintenance for your system.
Service Technicians...If you are comfortable working on steam or sauna bath products and desire to join our team of nationwide steam/sauna bath fanatics servicing the finest bathing products available, please give us a call at 800-707-2862 or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com to receive our requirements for approval and how to get started.
Replacement Parts & Equipment
Chances are, we have it! SteamSaunaBath maintains the largest parts inventory for steam generators and sauna heaters in the world! Our shelves are loaded with thousands of products and parts from leading manufacturers for the last half-century. Most parts are available for purchase on this site however, SteamSaunaBath always recommends confirming the parts you need prior to ordering. If we don’t have it, we know where to get it or it doesn't exist!
Replacement Parts
If you would like to purchase a part that is no longer covered by the manufacturer's warranty, you may contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your equipment and installation. Information including model number, manufacturer, equipment age and description of the part you need will be extremely beneficial in us guiding you quickly on the necessary item and most efficient manner in obtaining the component to get you sweating again.
Warranty Parts
If you need a part and you believe your product is still under the manufacturer's warranty, you may contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your equipment and installation. Information including model number, manufacturer, equipment age and description of the part you need will be extremely beneficial in us guiding you quickly on the necessary item and most efficient manner in obtaining the component. Most often, an original bill of sale and the actual defective component are required to get you sweating again.
Service Technicians...If you are comfortable working on steam or sauna bath products and desire to join our team of nationwide steam/sauna bath fanatics servicing the finest of bathing products available, please give us a call at 800-707-2862 or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com to receive our requirements for approval and how to get started.
Discontinued Equipment
You're working on a steam or sauna bathing system that is 15+ years old...No Problem! Chances are, we have the necessary part or replacement equipment to satisfy the application.
SteamSaunaBath maintains the largest parts and discontinued equipment inventory for steam generators and sauna heaters in the world! Our shelves are loaded with parts, accessories and equipment from all manufacturers for almost four decades.
If you would like to purchase replacement equipment or learn about the new technology that can easily retrofit into an existing steam or sauna environment, we have the knowledge to step you through it. Our technical specialists will ask you a bunch of questions, confirm your application and search the models of 20 plus manufactures to specify and price the most appropriate products relating to your installation constraints.
You may contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your equipment and installation. Information including model number, manufacturer, equipment age, description of control and any other related details will be extremely beneficial for us to guide you quickly and provide the most efficient manner for completing your project.
Important: Don't attempt to replace discontinued equipment alone! This can be technically involving and requires the knowledge only available through years of industry experience. Our steam and sauna bath specialists know the details and specifics of most every steam and sauna bath system manufactured, and we will provide you the most simple and logical approach to get you sweating again.
Service Technicians...If you are comfortable working on steam or sauna bath products and desire to join our team of nationwide steam/sauna bath fanatics servicing the finest of bathing products available, please give us a call at 800-707-2862 or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com to receive our requirements for approval and how to get started.
Toll-Free Technical Support
"Always in demand with phones growing out of their ears" is how our Installation & Technical Support Team is often described...we love this stuff!
If you are in need of technical support you may contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your equipment and installation. Information including model number, serial number, manufacturer, description of control and nature of problem are extremely beneficial for us to guide you quickly and provide the most appropriate answers. For faster service, have your bill of sale available to confirm actual model numbers of the equipment in question.
Though we always try to provide the very best service, it seems we can never offer enough telephone technical support. Our team fields hundreds of calls each day and respond to them in the order they are received. If we are not responding to your needs in a timely manner, we recommend contacting the product manufacturer as an alternative source. Additionally, for brief questions, an email to Service@SteamSaunaBath.com can serve as a very effective means when the phone lines are backed up.
Service Technicians...If you are comfortable working on steam or sauna bath products and desire to join our team of nationwide steam/sauna bath fanatics servicing the finest of bathing products available, please give us a call at 800-707-2862 or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com to receive our requirements for approval and how to get started.
Installation & Operation Manuals
Our Steam & Sauna Library is an unrivaled resource. We chronicle four plus decades of installation and operation manuals from the Industry's leading manufacturers...all at our fingertips. Daily, questions arise requiring us to dig up the manual on a product in discussion. If we can't locate it, nobody can!
Up-to-date product manuals are located on each product's page. If you have a need for a manual on a discontinued product, please email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com and include the model, serial number and manufacturer of the equipment in question and we will gladly forward the requested information.
Refurbished Equipment
Can't find a new steam generator in your budget? We repair thousands of steam and sauna bath products and sometimes, for whatever reason, customers just prefer to replace their existing equipment with new. As a result, we have hundreds of units that we take in trade when selling new systems.
If your budget doesn't allow for new equipment, contact our Service Center by phone toll-free at 800-707-2862, Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm CST or email us at Service@SteamSaunaBath.com To help us serve you quickly, please be prepared to answer a few questions and provide information regarding your project. We will search our shelves for the proper size steam or sauna equipment and when we find a match, we will present you with the best possible price. If we don't have refurbished equipment to suit your application, we will do what we can to provide favorable pricing on new items!
Local Steam Bath and Sauna Room Repair Services
Approved Custom Steam Bath and Sauna Room Contractors
Fort Worth / Dallas, TX
- McCarthy Construction Unlimited - Custom Saunas and Custom Steam baths
- Unique Home Builders - Steam Showers, General Contracting and Custom Saunas
Denver / Englewood, CO
- Horizon Mechanical - General Contracting, Air Conditioning, Heating, and Plumbing Service and Repair